Dr. Kathy Willis heads a thriving research unit that links myriad approaches in broad-scale and long-term global change ecology that incorporates a focus on the primary determinants of ecological resilience and functioning; biogeochemistry, biotic interactions and anthropogenic influence.
Dr. Peter Fashing and Dr. Nga Nguyen run a long-term study of a wild population of gelada monkeys (Theropithecus gelada) at Guassa, Ethiopia, the largest remaining expanse of naturalistic afroalpine habitat in the world.
Dr. Jeremy Kerr leads a macroecology research program dedicated broadly to the relationships between organisms and their environments across broad spatial scales, endangered species conservation, and global change biology.
Dr. Shawn Lehman directs the Tropical Research in Edge Effects (TREE) program focusing on landscape ecology and conservation biogeography of primates, mostly in Madagascar. Also check out Kim Valenta and Travis Steffens, proficient researchers and educators in their own right.
Dr. Maxim Larrivée spearheads project soliciting butterfly observations from citizen scientists across Canada to develop up-to-date species distribution models. Local Ecological Knowledge in action.
Jay is a biologist at the University of Ottawa interested in ecology and evolution spearheading novel methods in citizen science.